La Pavoni Professional 16-Cup Espresso Machine, Copper and Brass38oz. boiler capacityMakes one or two cups at a timeDual frothingMounted pressure gaugePiston operated
La Pavoni Europiccola Manual 8-Cup Espresso Machine, Chrome and WoodMakes one or two cups at a timeDual frothing attachmentsInternal thermostat to control pressureInternal re-set switch in case of...
La Pavoni Stradavari Espresso MachinesCapable of making 16, 2 oz cups of espressoRecessed power switch and power buttonDual frothing cappuccino systemsSolid brass boilers, triple chrome-platedBoiler...
La Pavoni Esperto Edotto Espresso MachineSingle Boiler Heating SystemMakes 16, 2oz cups of espressoCopper tank with a Chrome baseMounted group pressure gaugeCustom rosewood lever handles, boiler cap...