Fresh Elephant Garlic Bulbs by RawJoy Farms - 2 Huge Bulbs

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Fresh Elephant Garlic Bulbs by RawJoy Farms - 2 Huge Bulbs
  • Impressive Size: Elephant garlic is substantially larger than regular garlic, with each bulb measuring up to 4 inches wide.
  • Milder Flavor: Despite its hefty appearance, elephant garlic has a more delicate, mild flavor compared to regular garlic.
  • Versatile Culinary Uses: Ideal for roasting, sautéing, or using raw in dips and dressings for a subtle garlic essence.
  • Easy to Peel: The large cloves make peeling and prepping elephant garlic a breeze.
  • Long Storage Life: When stored properly in a cool, dry place, elephant garlic can last for several months.
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