Wright's Brass Polish, 60 fl oz
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- RESTORE - Bring your brass back to its original beauty by erasing the discoloration
- PROTECT - Leave behind a protective coating which prevents tarnish
- SAFE - Mild formula allows safe use on jewelry with diamonds or gemstones
- LONG-LASTING SHINE - Formulated with the finest ingredients that keeps your brass and other metals beautiful for years to come
- USE ON - Silver, silver plater, jewelry & antique silver, gold, brass, copper & aluminum
- Sanfte Reiniger für trüben entfernen ohne zu verkratzen
- Waschmittel-Mischung für Reinigung und einfaches Spülen
- Ideal für alle Ihre feine, unlackiert Messing Objekte inklusive Messing Leuchter, doorknockers, Schienen und Beschläge
- 温和清洁,去除晦暗不会造成刮伤
- 洗涤剂混合,清洁和方便水洗
- 非常适合所有您的精细, unlacquered 黄铜物体包括黄铜蜡烛台、 doorknockers 、 Rails 和灯具
- Suave limpiador para quitar el brillo sin rayar
- Mezcla de detergente para limpiar y fácil de enjuagar
- Ideal para todos sus objetos de fina, sin lacar latón, latón, candeleros, doorknockers, rieles y accesorios