Homax Steel Wool, Medium Course, Grade #2, 12 PadsGrade #2 Medium Coarse Steel WoolUniform, high quality metal strandsGentle abrasivenessFlexible to reach in and around corners12-pack
Homax Steel Wool Reel, Grade #0000, 5 lb5 lb. Reel perfect for use in factories, automotive shops and other industriesUniform, high quality metal strands with gentle abrasivenessFlexible to reach in...
Homax Bronze Steel Wool Fine BronzeFlexible abrasive for stripping, sanding, smoothing and polishing all types of marine surfacesUnlike steel wool which can leave behind small fiber Bronze Wool...
Homax 1361120 Number 3 Coarse Steel Wool - Pack of 12Pack of 12 [12 Pads of 12 Pack]Steel wool coarse grade #3 used in cleaning, polishing, buffing and refinishingUniform, high quality metal strands...