Generic Turmeric, Barley, Chickpeas, Neem, sandalwood, Mograflower, Saffron and Rose Petal | Remove Acne | | 227g (8 oz.) (0.5 lb) | from India

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Generic Turmeric, Barley, Chickpeas, Neem, sandalwood, Mograflower, Saffron and Rose Petal | Remove Acne | | 227g (8 oz.) (0.5 lb) | from India
  • Our Ubtan is highly enriched with Turmeric, Barley Flour, Chickpeas, Neem, sandalwood, Mograflower, Saffron and Rose Petal.
  • Ubtan is a natural face mask that's filled with loads of goodness.Turmeric, the key ingredient in ubtan makes your skin clear and flawless that you always wanted.ubtan is your one-stop-solution to get the clear skin.
  • Turmeric and sandalwood present in ubtan act as natural toners and also prevent acne.Chickpeas are rich in magnesium which helps reduce the fine lines and wrinkles on the skin.Rose Petal is mineral rich skin coolant and toner that firms up the skin, evens out complexion, giving skin.Saffron can be an excellent natural ingredient for reducing pigmentation, brown spots and other skin blemishes.
  • Ubtan Powder does not contain any harmful chemical, paraben, Preservatives and artificial fragrance which causes harsh effects on your skin. Continuous use helps to enhance your skin making it supple and soft. The active ingredients in the face and body scrub is inspired from the traditional ubtan recipe to give you skin that glows with health & many more.
  • Take some scrub and apply on your damp body and face. Then using circular motion massage the scrub, Start from your legs going upward to torso, shoulders, back and then face, Exfoliate for 2 to 3 minutes for the scrub to work effectively. Rinse thoroughly. Moisturize to prevent dryness. Use it Twice a week to keep skin clean. It helps to exfoliate layer of dead skin and give your skin a smooth texture. It helps in removing deep-seated dirt from the skin.
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