Bakugan 3.0 Third Generation 2023 Expert Pack Special Attack Dragonoid vs HammerheadSPINNING ATTACK 2-PACK: This set includes a 1 Special Attack (Spinning) Bakugan and 1 Core Bakugan ball; and...
BakuganCUSTOMIZABLE TRAINING SET: Drop, roll and hold your Bakugan on your playset with the spring-loaded paddle and 3 totems as obstacles. Decorate your training set with Clan Flags to represent...
Bakugan Geogan, Geogan Rising Collectible Action Figure and Trading CardsBAKUGAN GEOGAN: Geogan have risen from the depths of Vestroia! These mysterious and powerful Bakugan are unlike any you’ve...
Bakugan Evolutions 2022 Aurelus Titan King Geogan Collectible Action Figure and Trading CardsBakugan GEOGAN: Geogan have risen from the depths of Vestroia! These mysterious and powerful Bakugan are...