Bafell Flower Bouquet Real Forever Roses and Anthurium, Preserved Flowers Bouquet for Home Decorations, Gift for Valentine' s Day, Mother' s Day, Anniversary, Birthday (Pink)
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- ♥Real Flowers-The preserved flowers bouquet are made from real flowers.
- ♥Long-lasting Beauty-Fresh flower bouquets usually wilt after a week, while eternal flower bouquets can last 3-5 years.
- ♥Handmade Bouquets-All bouquets are designed and handmade by our florists. The bouquet is made of immortal anthurium, rose, Ponlypine, orange leaf, rice artemisia, gem grass and small hope grass.
- ♥Perfect Gift-Bouquets are the perfect gift for birthdays, Valentine's Day, Mother's Day, anniversaries or any special occasion!
- ♥Maintenance Free-No water required, do not expose to sunlight or damp environment.